It is sooooo fall. With all this pumpkin bread, banana muffin splendor, and the promise of all things Thanksgiving, it has me thinking about…wait for it…butter. Homemade butter, to be exact.
And there really couldn’t be anything easier. No, really. Like one ingredient easy (two if you’re feeling salty). Think how impressive you’ll be when you show up to the dinner table with a little crock of your own homemade butter. Nobody needs to know the real story.
You’ll need heavy whipping cream. This is butter we’re making here. No half and half, skim, 2% nonsense allowed. We need the real stuff. I also add salt to mine. You don’t have to but why wouldn’t you? It’s already butter.
Put your cream in a bowl and beat it. That’s pretty much it. I told you this was easy. It goes through a few stages but keep going until the butter pulls away from the watery stuff, the whey.
Pour off the water. This is where you stir in salt to taste. If you’re feeling fancy, you can also add in herbs and flavors like garlic, chives, or rosemary for savory or cinnamon, vanilla, and sugar for sweet.
Put it in a cute cup and you’re all set.
Own that pumpkin bread. Own it.